The Chemical Tangents - 3 in English Fiction Stories by Sathyanarayanan K books and stories PDF | The Chemical Tangents - 3

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The Chemical Tangents - 3

Location : Atlanta City

Time: Somewhere around 2075 AD , next day morning on Wednesday

Bulky man in a blue coat tensed after seeing the device taken out of his packet.

Bulky man in a blue coat : “Please look at the paper , which you have taken from the covers I gave you.”

Inspector, Sub Inspector and constable took the paper from the cover and looked at it , it was blank.

Sub Inspector and constable looked at the Inspector who said  “Its blank”

Bulky man in a blue coat : “I want each one of you to say , what do you have in mind?”

Inspector : “The paper is blank and nothing has been written in it.”

Sub Inspector : “The paper is blank , there is no impression of anything written on it.”

Constable  : “The Paper is blank.”

Bulky man in a blue coat : “Do any of you remember the name I told you, when I introduced myself.”

 Inspector, Sub Inspector and constable each tried to remember the name but would not remember it. They shook their heads.

Bulky man in a blue coat : “ I told you how you can call me. If you remember please tell me, as this is more significant and directly related to what is happening here . This Police station is affected by a Mysterious force field. This may have caused short term memory loss of some facts, bend reality to some extent and preventing you from seeing what is written in this paper. What did you hear before ,I arrived here? Each of you has tell me separately. ”

Inspector : “I could hear the sound of the helicopter., which may be coming down”

Sub Inspector : “I could hear the sound of the helicopter landing.”

Constable thought for a while : ” I could hear the sound of the helicopter. “ He added “I think you asked us to call you Hanumanth.”

 Bulky man in a blue coat asked the Inspector, Sub Inspector and constable : “Did any one of you visited the location where the laboratory is located , before I came here.” He feared for the reply.

Constable : “Hanumath Ji, I have visited the location, i.e. 2 kms  from the laboratory in the high hills.”

 Bulky man in a blue coat/Hanumath : “You are least affected by this mysterious force field or some of the effects have been reversed. This might be good news as well as bad news. I Can’t tell how much of Good news and Bad news it is until we visit the place by ourselves. Don’t worry , the time period for effects coming from the lab has passed. Now you two may not be affected like the Constable . Inspector Ram , Sub Inspector Lakshman and Constable …” He fumbled for the name then spoke “ Raghu.” He repeated the names for strange Reasons “Inspector Ram , Sub Inspector Lakshman and Constable Raghu, Please Let's go to the location of the accident.”

Inspector Ram , Sub Inspector Lakshman and Constable Raghu along with the Ex Government Official Hanumath set towards the Laboratory.