The Legendary Princess - 5 in English Love Stories by Veduu books and stories PDF | The Legendary Princess - 5

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The Legendary Princess - 5

Hello everyone this is the next part of the story.........................................
As I look back I see Miss Margret calling me "So Maria how was your shopping???" "Great!" I say as I take off bags from my hands and join her she gives me a warm smile. She says “come on lets have lunch”
We ordered cheese burgers I can say that these burgers are quiet famous here. She says “I guess humans must be eating these burgers “I nodded as I took a bite of it Charles was swiping on his s.s.s. the s.s.s is just like mobile as it is given to every student here Charles already told me. She asks Charles whom I notice staring at me and again swiping towards his s.s.s when I looked at him I guess Miss Margret was observing everything.

She grins naughtily at Charles which makes him blush I dont understand whats going on between these two. He suddenly speaks up “MOM! I think you should go back to your office now!”As I hear MOM, the burger I was eating gets stucked in my neck and I cough till it gets out and ask Charles “Miss Margret is your MOM?!?” “WHY DIDNT YOU TOLD ME EARLIER!!!!!!” Charles lowers his eyes in disgrace and says “Sorry I forgot to tell you as I was busy in giving you a tour of the college”. As the lunch bell rigs Miss Margret gets up and says “well join you both later” and leaves us with a warm smile
Charles too gets up and says “come on we need to go back to the houses now I have checked everything is there anything you wanna buy?” I say no. After reaching the house compartment we rested for some time, now there was the grouping ceremony after many groups were made it was mine turn .I could see five girls standing on the stage. The anchorperson call the names Lisa, Yhuga, Litten, Sen, Naviee and Maria please stand on the stage. As I walked towards the stage They all looked and smiled at me, I smiled back at them Anchorperson announced Lisa from fire, Yhuga from water , Litten from air, Sen from ice ,Naviee from earth and Maria from legendary. A shower of claps caught us. We all bow down to everyone and went in our houses ,I saw Charles waving hand at me and miss Margret smiling at me, as I come to catch-up with Charles somebody pushes me, as I fall I dont get hurted instead I fell up on something soft I slowly open my eyes and look down to find and cute looking guy and me sitting on his tummy I quickly get up blushing he asks me “ miss beautiful, are you okh” I say yes he asks “btw I am Louis whats your name miss beautiful” I reply “I am Maria nice to meet you” “nice to meet you too by the way are you alone there..........” just when he is about to complete his sentence Charles comes in between grabs my hand and pulls me and walks in other direction and says “ you shouldnt talk with other boys they might hurt you” I see worry in his tone as we walk towards the line I see Louis waving bye at me looking at Louis it doesnt seems that he might hurt me .........................................................................

So hello guys sorry for the late of story as I was busy I couldnt post the story hope you all will forgive me this time till all take care thank you .................................................................