The Darkzone - 3 in English Short Stories by Aisha Sharma books and stories PDF | The Darkzone - 3

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The Darkzone - 3


Hmmmm.... "For God sake that was a dream." He breathed in peace,then he feel some pain on his lower lip.He went in bathroom and look himself in mirror.He saw a cut mark on his lip that still had blood on it.That image again come in front of the eyes Neha and they both are kissing and she bite on his lower lip. Might be this was because of her. Is she came really in my dream or that was just a dream.
Let me go to the roof...for fresh air,he said to himself. Now it's get 4:30 pm and He take his football and Start moves by it.

Suddenly , the ball left from his hands and
went to the neighbors roof. There was no one. so,he jumped to there. The ball was still rolling here and there.He caught the ball and about to leave. Then he listen a voice of panjeb( paypal) . He begins to run , then he saw she I Neha who was coming to the roof with books.
He tried to hide himself but Neha had already seen him.
He hide himself behind the wall of his own house roof.
She went close to him where he was hiding.
"Hey, Do you want any help??? I still can give you notes.
No No , I didn't want to study now .I will do later, he said and ran down stairs lefting his ball there.Neha look at the ball and the ball get roll down stairs.
Neha give a look of anger and closed her eyes. "What was he saying.?"
Here Ryan went to bed and he played a movie then he saw that he and neha are looking at each other ( what the f*k is this?he said while shocking) They are kissing each other just like that dream. He throw the phone on bed . How can it be possible? he said.He again took the phone in hands and check youtube history then he saw that he didn't play any movie and not even press the youtube icon.
Suddenly ,his mom starting calling him.
Coming mom,he replied.
He saw Neha was standing there with her.
Mom, ... I muttered slowly. Hmmmm ... what happens?,she replied.

Mom, come here . .. he caught her hand and pull inside the kitchen.
Mom she is not a normal girl and my classmates were saying that she has a bad spirit living inside her.
She has a job to scared everyone .
It will be good if you too stay far from her.

Enough.. she just came here to give your wrist watch , it get fell from your hand at roof. He took the watch and move towards the room and he move back to see her . She was standing at the door while looking at him in anger. She went out of the door and he enter in his room.
After dinner he starts studying and he was making notes with the help of mobile. Then his phone change into papers as he took it into hand then he read the nameslip where Neha is written over it.
He get scared,he fell that down and then he realized he fell his phone down then he took the phone and placed on the table.
He left the idea of studying.
And he went to bed then he saw her in room .
"Ryan".. you feel some love for me so where is that love now.
You know the spirit inside me will never allow anyone to love me because we are already for each other..
Nooooo, he closed his eyes with hands and for moment it get silent.
He opened his eyes then a ball hit on his face from somewhere.
And he get unconscious and fell asleep.
And the ball is still moving up and down
Up and down..

Does Neha love the bad spirit inside her?
Does the spirit told her that Ryan got a crush on her in first sight? To know this mystery ,....
Readers keep reading. Next part will come soon.