Are we destined to be together? - Part2 in English Fiction Stories by Arshi books and stories PDF | Are we destined to be together? - Part2

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Are we destined to be together? - Part2

Amy pov:
Days are moving faster. Harry's place is very next to me.. however we didn't have any chat. He has lot friends while I didn't have any close friends. Oneday a staff started scolding me by misunderstanding situation. Harry said me not to be sad for it. May be he felt pity for me. As I hate pity from anyone. I replied him not to care about me, I ain't sad about it as I have faced lot of similar issues in my school day. I think so i have hurted him with my reply but I don't want anyone pity badly. This is our first conversation which ended very bad.
Harry's friend reema has conversation with group of girls. I too joined as I felt bored in class.She was saying that Her friend Harry has admired 5 girls. In 5 girls, 1 girl he liked most and she was mentioning their name suddenly she skipped 5th girl name after noticing me in that group. She too changed her statement that he has admired 4 girls.
Day passes, Our classmates started to tease us both.. I doesn't know reason. I didn't try to find the reason too.. His friend, kiren used to call me with Harry's name. Even though his friend kiren used to tease me I felt kiren as my brother.
Reema and myself used have conversation during free hours. Oneday she said me that Harry has been committed with Tina, and he has been absent to meet her as she studing in other college in same city. I was shocked by her words but I handled myself not to show other.
We have been arranged for education trip.Harry and myself been together in every place. He never left alone anywhere even though we don't talk with each other. Last day of trip, As I have suffering high fever, I thought I left alone in bus but lately found that Harry and kiren was also there is bus without going out with others. In Harry's eyes I can see lot of care which I have ever found from anyone. He too indirectly asked whether I need anything for which I noded no.
I felt little safer than before and also happy. I doesn't like to show or share my pain to anyone even with parents from my childhood. But Care I have seen Harry's eyes will make me show the pain again I think so, to get his care or affection. I think I have fallen for his affection but I should not fall. I and my dear friend riya(school friend) have believe that school/college day's love end in breakup and we shouldn't fall for anyone. So, I too decided to avoid him to stop falling for him.
Harry stopped talking to reema and was angry with her that she was creating lots of gossip about him that he was committed with someone.
Valentine's day is nearing, we girls are in decision to wear which color dress. Some started teasing me with Harry that he is going to propose me Or I am going to propose him, Harry is too watching it. To stop all these I have decided to wear to black dress in Valentine's Day to show I have no interest in love.
Class hour started, we were standing in group where harry is just opposite to me. I have been just admiring him without listening to class. His browny eyes which is listening to class while looking at me. A cute smile with adjusting his hair, mustache and beard (which is perfectly trimmed) while looking at me which cute and lovable. His cuteness is making me falling for him again.
To control myself as per my decision I wore same, Harry was hurted little bit I think so. Kiren asked me that whether I have really no interest in love. For which I replied just I wore this color but not to mean I am not interested in love as cannot see Harry getting hurt. Harry too said his friend, kiren that color of dress doesn't matter it doesn't define anything.
I have heard that he had drunk for first time. For worst I have broken into pieces. Whether he started drinking because of my decision I was worried lot, really he has feeling for me Or all these are my imagination, He has any other problem, such type of thinking arose on my mind. I was disturbed to core.
Whether Harry likes her Or these amy's imagination.
Will Harry continue to show his care
Let's in coming chapter

Dear reader, after reading provide me review which help me improve my writing✍️ as it is my first novel