Are we destined to be together? - Part11 in English Fiction Stories by Arshi books and stories PDF | Are we destined to be together? - Part11

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Are we destined to be together? - Part11

Amy's pov:
Educational tour... I should feel happy for it as College days are beautiful days, In this, college tour are very best days to cherish.. This is basic concept in many life... But I am thinking should I go or not which is my fate.... I decide to go to church since whenever I confused I will get clear vision here.. Silence in church help me to take decision well...I went there.. Mind became clear.. I decide to attend educational tour.. Running never help us from fear.. Face the fear it may help to solve .. I doesn't know where I have read this line but I read this line.. I should keep this line in my mind.. How long I can run, I should face reality.. Seeing together may make accept fact that he is no more mine, He belongs to someone...
I paid money for the education trip and registered my name.. Everyone in our class paid our fees... I came to know that there is misunderstanding between Harry and Jessie that He doesn't like her talking to Vinay... And I came to know that she is using Harry's money a lot.. Harry is one who paid all her rent... I don't like this stuff as I doesn't like girls/boys getting money from their lovers... Whatever may be...I decided not to think about it... I don't have right to judge or think about other matters...
I have decided to face my fear so I decided to stay in class but I can't directly face.. So I decided to use headphones in class and continued my work in laptop.. So.. I am physically present but mentally absent... My bad luck staff entered class he found me using headphones and listen song.. He asked me to get out of class.. My class is situated near gents toilet.. So.. Some boys of other department stood there... I felt uncomfortable there... Harry without any reason came out of class started standing with me.. Maya also got caught for using mobile.. She too gave company with me... She found Harry standing with me.. So she asked Harry why are u standing did you got punishment... Harry replied No... Just standing out as I felt bored... Staff went out we came inside..
All guys started decided things needed to pack for tour.. We started taking notes on Temperature of area when we go. How we are going to manage there... Hostel student decided to go to hometown for packing our things.. As place we are going area where temperature are low. We are from city where temperature is about average 26 degree celsius.. Place we are going to be temperature about 0 - 8 degree celsius.. Only one or two of classmates have faced such temperature...they are from such city or town... Other are from hot town... We guys need to buy jerking, sweater and other material it is a 15 day trip.. I need atleast 12-13 dress as I doesn't know whether we can get time to wash and dry the clothes.. I went to hometown to pack of my things and buys needed things whichever I don't have... I ain't a shopping lover.. But I have to go and get things... My mind is too disturbed regarding my decision that how am I going to face... I too needed to consult doctor regarding trip am whether I am alright from typhoid.. This consultation for my parents happiness.. Doctor suggest me to go and had suggest me some tablets for my emergency... With doctor's prescribed tablet I too took my first aid kit.. Nearly my packing is over...
I need to go my college.. I packed my things in one trolley and backpack.. My parents helped to bring it to hostel.. Finally day have arrived for trip... With excitement and fear I am waiting...
Let us wait to know what is going to happen in trip.. Will she overcome her weakness.. Or she again start talking to Harry...
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