You Are not Mine - 3 in English Love Stories by Falguni Maurya Desai _જીંદગી_ books and stories PDF | You Are not Mine - 3

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You Are not Mine - 3

aarvi's eyes are still looking for viraag.. as she couldnt find him in whole canteen and raghav is giving awkward glances to her.

jenny is marking aarvi as she is busy in searching for viraag so jenny spoke " aarvi our lunch is here.. lets eat "

aarvi came in to the senses by jenny's comment and said .. " oh yaa lunch is here.. lets eat.." aarvi is trying to hide whats going in her mind

aarvi is trying to eat.. but the thoughts in her mind could not stop.. she somehow manage to eat little stuff.

jenny is continuously obsreving aarvi's behaviour and raghav's glances.. she couldnot stop herself from asking " viraag didnt come for lunch ? "

aarvi is little shocked on jenny's sudden question and for avoiding being caught that she is thinking about him.. she answered very carefully " hmm .. might be he is not here.. due to our continuous dance reharshals.. may be he is exhausted "

jenny said " dont you know exact reason ? "

aarvi felt irrirated and answered " how do i know.. we are not even friends.. you already know.. we were just dance parteners.. that too on insistence of neeti mam.. we even dont like each others.. and please dont overthink every thing ... i am also tired and want to have a nap.. so let just go " aarvi stood up

jenny is still staring at her.. knowing that she is lying.. but she just avoid discussion and stood up.
they both left for the room

on the otherside raghav is obsreving them from distant.. he had observed their expressions... and trying to know whats going on in aarvi's mind.. tara was marking raghav.. thay are having lunch together.. she asked " is there anything between viraag and aarvi ? "

raghav said " i dont know" bluntly and left the canteen

he reached to his room and found that viraag is standing near the window.. staring at sports ground where he has seen aarvi for the first time

raghav dont want to discuss about aarvi and even dont want to disturb viraag so he sat aside and doing his work on laptop.

viraag was still in thoughts ' how aarvi became so important to him.. he even didnt like his attitude when they first met.. most of the time he felt her arrogance as well as ignorance towards him.. they both are very different in nature..

viraag is always in a chilling mood and aarvi is always in studious mood and always a self sufficient girl.. she has only two or three friends.. one is her room mate jenny and other one is nishant.. nishant is her good friend as well as he is from her native place also.

both have their houses near by each other . they have done their schooling from the same school
they three jenny , aarvi and nishant are always found together in college.

viraag had huge friend group.. he never take study that seriously because at the end he has to take care his father's buisness in future.

viraag was in thoughts and his mobile rang.