The Placements by Prateek Dave


The Placements by Prateek  Dave in English Novels
"Why did you do it?" She was shocked."I..... I just wanted to help......""No Padmanabh. By doing this you haven't helped...
The Placements by Prateek  Dave in English Novels
"You are cracking this company, you'll have to." My hand reaching for the burger stopped in the midway. I looked at her...
The Placements by Prateek  Dave in English Novels
"Your name is on the list." Arnav, one of the volunteers, informed me outside the canteen as Bajrang and I were...
The Placements by Prateek  Dave in English Novels
The D-Day had finally arrived. Within the next few hours, a new chapter of my life will be written. I didn't need a job...
The Placements by Prateek  Dave in English Novels
" ... and the final name is Ritu Johari" Ritu let out a delightful scream and she and Rohit hugged each other as everyon...