Unknown Love - 27 in English Fiction Stories by Anjali Lingayat books and stories PDF | Unknown Love - Episode 27

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Unknown Love - Episode 27

Ranveer console Anshika and make her sit on chair.
Rajawat comes out the cabin and saw Anshika is crying.
He walks towards her and say, "My lovely daughter what happened. See I have listened to your talk. Anshika keep trust on his love for you. Give some time to him and understand his feelings."
Anshika swipes her tears and says, "You all are right. Dad I will give him time to understand. But Dad please I know which case are you working, so I will help you and him in that case, please you don't feel hesitate or ignore to my suggestion."
Rajawat agrees for Anshika's wish.
They all get back to work, a delivery boy comes and gives the flower bouquets.
On the bouquet there was Ranveer and Aditya's name written on the chit wishing Congratulations for their achievements of solving pending cases.
Ranveer and Aditya feels very happy and hugs each other.
Anshika saw them happy and asked the reason. Ranveer tells the name is not return on the bouquet who sent it!
Suddenly, Rajveer comes and says, " Do you like it my friend. Actually, I thought to surprise you and Aditya. Yes, I am proud of working with good officers. Well, today I am giving treat to all in vintage happy restaurant. So, come at 8:30pm tonight."
Anshika claps and congratulate them. Kashish,Harsh and Anshika gives them group hug.
Rajveer notice Anshika is avoiding him to talk to him.
Rajveer sent text message on her phone and asked her to come in the cabin.
Everyone get happy and Anshika walks towards the cabin.
Rajveer was drinking the coffee and she was going to knock the door, but he asked her to come in.
Anshika get surprised that before she knocking the door, he got to about her presences.
Everyone was spying on both of them.
Kavi arrives with Siya, they both saw all friends where poking in Rajveer's cabin.
Rajawat comes out of the cabin and he was going out for some work, but saw all of them poking in Rajveer's cabin.
Siya and Kavi walks towards Rajawat, they give the invitation card to him for their marriage ceremony and other rituals, he has to attend with his family members.
Rajawat congratulate them and asked what they all are looking there in cabin.
Siya and Kavi don't know about that and Kavi says, "Sir, don't bother but we should also see what is happening. I think Anshika and Rajveer are again fighting."
Rajveer see on his computer screen that everyone is at near door of the cabin and spying on them, he was feeling good as they all care for them.
Rajveer thought to do a prank with Anshika and her friends.
Rajveer says with mischievous thought, "Anshika, nice coffee and thanks you brought from me. I think about you Anshika means you are so boring. Ranveer told me that you are very talkative and entertaining person. But, no attention towards me. Only, following my orders and obeying the family demands,etc,etc... But let me tell you that I have an idea that will help you to..."
Anshika with annoyed feeling says, "Sir, I think you should see your self. I am behaving with you like a boring person, so don't worry. I am not interested in your new idea.By the way, I think this is office and you should pay attention on your work that's important as case that you got it work on it seriously. I will inform you about new update about it."
Anshika turns and going to walk away; but Rajveer walks forward and holds her hand and drags her towards himself.
Anshika asked him to leave her, Rajveer was admiring her anger.
Anshika saw he is staring at her, Rajveer says in lower voice, " Your friends are spying on us. I thought to tease means play a prank with you but you got serious, yaar. Sorry, you are very interesting person, by unknowningly I fall in love with this naughty girl. Really, I love you, yaar!"
Anshika smile and with shy feeling say, "Leave me, Rajveer if Dad comes and see us like this."
Rajveer keep a demand of kissing him now, Anshika ignores it but then he holds her more tightly.
Anshika then kisses on his lips and gently. Rajveer feels better and he also kisses her passionately. They stop kissing and gaspes as if they were waiting for this wonderful moment.
Anshika pushes him away and say in lower voice, "We will have fake fight over this coffee and work. Come on, shout on me."
Rajveer feels hestiated and Anshika says in lower voice, " Array, duffer idiot person listen you want do a prank with them this is the best way."
Rajveer agrees her and loudly say, " Anshika, you made this coffee so bitter and it is feeling to hate this moment. You spoiled my mood and I thought you must be serious about work, but no you like filmy talks and discussing about what new will happen in serial's next coming episode."
Anshika get annoyed and says, " Oh... really it my choice what to talk. About work it always done in a good way."
All friends get tensed and Kashish says in lower, "This is because of RV and this fight because you they are fighting. Why you tell about her serial she loves it to talk and watch, she will get angry and upset on him, see now we have do something for them for their patch up."
Anshika and Rajveer notice it is working,they loudly talk which looks like a fight.