Unknown Love - 29 in English Fiction Stories by Anjali Lingayat books and stories PDF | Unknown Love - Episode 29

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Unknown Love - Episode 29

Next day, Anshika reach for duty early in the morning and on the white board making something or writing.
Rajveer reach there after his workout from upstairs, as there was a workout room for routine gym and excercise for officers.
Rajveer saw Anshika trying to sort out something about case it seems so!
Rajveer says by teasing her, " Don't compete with me Anshika...as you will lose."
Anshika turns and say, " No... not this time, Rajveer actually Nile, Mr.Verma and Tani will get punished for their crime. Well, I gather evidence against them and some information about meeting up with Shammi. I know this time they will get trapped in my plan, only you and me have to act as we opposing each other as we hate. Our confrontation will make us near to get them trap and you will able to get back your Mom too."
Rajveer get emotional and hugs her tightly. Anshika console by kissing on his forehead and say, "I know you are feeling, how do I know actually Rahat Uncle and Dad told me. On conference call actually he was worried for you, so called he me for telling about take care of you."
Rajveer kiss on her lips and say, "As you always take care of me and for case I have decided a get up means a look which will make look like goon."
Anshika say with mischievous smile, " Don't forget to act your attitude and arrogance behaviour too, as it will show you up more real goon. Actually...Ah...stop tickling...stop it.."
Rajveer say with mischievous behaviour, "Don't run... Don't I will catch you in my arms and never leave you ever...!"
Anshika runs away from him and he tries to caught her, then he purposely falls down and show as he got hurt in his leg.
Anshika get worried and he holds her tightly in his arms and say, " I know you will come...!"
They both laughs louder and see each other with happiness feeling.
At Verma house, Tani was angry on her kid and say, " Why you go to that lady and took help."
She slap that kid and that little kid cries louder, Nile comes running towards after listening to that little kid's screams voice.
Nile see Tani is beating their son and he slaps her and asked servant to take his son to his room.
Nile shouts at her and say, " Are you mad why you are beating that little kid? He had not gone with Anshika. I have promise you that I will never leave you but I can't forgot her and her love, got it. Please concentrate on our plan to manipulate them as our mission of snatching the Bela Nagar land and dream plan to need to get completed as soon as possible."
Mr.Verma was hiding self near pillar and listening their talk with serious feeling and thinks Rahat told correct information about Anshika is alive.
Mr.Verma think to release Rahat and encounter him while a small shoot out. Mr.Verma say in the mind, "Rahat, sorry you help a lot, but you need to scarifice your life and career too. I need to tell Shammi!"