Unknown Love - 31 in English Fiction Stories by Anjali Lingayat books and stories PDF | Unknown Love - Episode 31

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Unknown Love - Episode 31

Rajveer feels Anshika is hiding her past pain but how can he also help her to come out from deep past pain?
Rajveer remember he has to go tomorrow with her for a small date and there he will make her realize his love for her.
Anshika looks towards him and say in the mind, " Sorry, I want to complete this incomplete mission, as Vikram bro scarificed his life for this mission and for her life."
Rajawat asked Anshika what she is thinking? Anshika say, "Nothing... actually we have to sent someone with Rajveer. If Rajveer get trapped, someone else will continue the mission."
Kavi and Harsh suggest the name of Ranveer as he has experience of undercover cop worked as good undercover cop. As he expose the racket of illegal business of selling fraud service of finance.
Ranveer get annoyed with them as he don't like Rajveer and for a mission with him alone, for him it is like a suicide.
Kashish seeing him laughs and suddenly shut her mouth. Rajawat asked what happened she suddenly laughs.
Aditya with feeling of love for Dr.Kaira and feeling losted in the other world, " Sir...RV is feels like suicidal thoughts and feeling with Rajveer Sir..."
Rajveer looks towards Ranveer with surprised look. Ranveer say with swiping his sweat and say, " No...no it's nothing like that I will love to work with Rajveer Sir, it's great working experience I will get."
Anshika say with mischievous smile, " RV... don't worry he don't eat humans as only tricker the stamina of a person to able to face his arrogance behaviour and anger."
Rajawat see Anshika with mischievous and naughty behaviour as same, when she was four years before.
Rajveer also does fake drama, " Sir, I am not interested in Anishika's idea as she don't care about others intension and feelings."
Ranveer support Rajveer, but Kashish interrupt with attitude say, "Oh...Mr... listen its Anshika don't underestimate her."
Anshika asked them to shut up and concentrate on the mission.
Anshika walks towards her table and gives a pendant and earing to Ranveer and Rajveer.
Rajveer asked her what is this? Anshika tells in this there is tracker and a small camera which will help to capture the pictures and location of them.
Ranveer say with mischievous smile, "Wow...Anshi this time you are ready with all important things that needed for mission. Don't know... I know for you two this mission is very important but I will give my best and don't feel like I not with him, as I will support and will follow all commands of Rajveer Sir."
All together say, " We will do it and get succeed!"
Anshika get emotional and hugs Rajveer cries badly. Ranveer say with emotional feeling, "Anshi, this time your trust and love will win. Rajveer do you know she is very strong..."
Ranveer also starts crying as he can't control his emotions of pain. All hugs each other that was a group hug.
Dr.Kaira arrives and say, " Sorry, to disturb you all but Rajveer sir as you told the material and best makeup artist is here."
Aditya runs towards her and stand beside her admires her with love feeling.
Harsh and Kavi say, " This Adi...will never change see how run towards her like attraction of magnet that attracts the iron nail."
Rajawat appreciate their team work and support.
Next day, Rajveer and Anshika reach to old-age home and they get great grand welcome from old-age home people.
Anshika get emotional and see Rajveer is so nice and good.