THE REUNION by Devanshi Kanani


THE REUNION by Devanshi Kanani in English Novels
Bip…Bipppppp….. Bipppp….Bippppppp…… Dev's mobile is ringing continuously. He is b...
THE REUNION by Devanshi Kanani in English Novels
Why she is always a matter of discussion between us?Why she is always the reason for fighting between us?Why misundersta...
THE REUNION by Devanshi Kanani in English Novels
“Get up Dev!!!! It’s already 10 o’clock men. We can’t effort to get late for today.”, Anu is trying to wake him up. Dev...
THE REUNION by Devanshi Kanani in English Novels
“If my memory is quite good. If I am not wrong than this way is straight to Momo's farmhouse. Right?”, Anu said.MOMO...
THE REUNION by Devanshi Kanani in English Novels
Next morning“What the hell, I am on fucking leave. Don’t you get that? Manage by yourself”, Arush yelled. He is on the c...