Hacker Z by Shubhangi Kene


Hacker Z by Shubhangi Kene in English Novels
fullproof plan gone wrongAt a chaotic square in Moscow. The silver haired teenager had everything under his control. The...
Hacker Z by Shubhangi Kene in English Novels
After driving and waiting in traffic finally the studio arrived at 5:30 pm. The music director who was going to work wit...
Hacker Z by Shubhangi Kene in English Novels
This seen must be said to be common in pubs. What everyone including Chase didn't know was the person whose been sla...
Hacker Z by Shubhangi Kene in English Novels
Just after saying this the teenager took his tablet out and started typing something. This actions made everyone confuse...
Hacker Z by Shubhangi Kene in English Novels
At midnight on the top floor of an high-ended office building the temperature was dropped below the freezing temperature...