Crossing the Mirage - Passing through Youth by BS Murthy


Crossing the Mirage - Passing through Youth by BS Murthy in English Novels
Crossing the Mirage - Passing through Youth BS Murthy (Revised edition) ISBN 81-901911-8-7 Copyright © 2005 BS Murthy Co...
Crossing the Mirage - Passing through Youth by BS Murthy in English Novels
Chapter 2 End of the Tether When Chandra had graduated in commerce, Yadagiri wanted him to join him at the Princely Pe...
Crossing the Mirage - Passing through Youth by BS Murthy in English Novels
Chapter 3 Burden of Freedom Aboard the Bombay Express, Chandra was impatient for the train to move out of Nampally Sta...
Crossing the Mirage - Passing through Youth by BS Murthy in English Novels
Chapter 4 Onto the Turf As if to afford Chandra time for reflection at the threshold, the train was held up at Kalyan...
Crossing the Mirage - Passing through Youth by BS Murthy in English Novels
Chapter 5 Respite by Death That mid-summer noon, cramped up in a general bogie of that Deccan-bound train, Chandra de...