A love story in no mans land by The Kalinga Warrior


A love story in no man's land by The Kalinga Warrior in English Novels
The story and its characters are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people is a pure coincidence. The story uses real...
A love story in no man's land by The Kalinga Warrior in English Novels
Chapter 2: Amira's passion 21 years ago A village near Hamat Gader, Just another morning More than a hundred students,...
A love story in no man's land by The Kalinga Warrior in English Novels
Chapter 3.1. An Alarm 21 years ago A small village few miles south of Wazzani, a tense evening A young shepherd was gr...
A love story in no man's land by The Kalinga Warrior in English Novels
Chapter 3.2. Wedding bells As Zahira took the photo in her hands, her eyes were wet with tears and the thoughts took h...
A love story in no man's land by The Kalinga Warrior in English Novels
Chapter 3.3. The ceremony begins? Tuesday (The next morning) "Still knitting the sweater?!" Raya's friend asked surpri...