The observer of Genesis by Alberto Canen


The observer of Genesis by Alberto Canen in English Novels
Genesis, the seven days of Creation.
Alberto Canen has found an alternative way to answer these and other questions in...
The observer of Genesis by Alberto Canen in English Novels
Well, if the solar system and the Earth have been in existence for more than six thousand million years since they were...
The observer of Genesis by Alberto Canen in English Novels
Although Occident has not handled major figures-and when I say major figures I mean numbers as large as billions of year...
The observer of Genesis by Alberto Canen in English Novels
Chapter 4 AND IN THIS CORNER… LIVE! We saw earlier that life as we know it on our planet, began with and in the water....
The observer of Genesis by Alberto Canen in English Novels
Let´s observe carefully what this first paragraph tells us.In this description, I clearly distinguish the original chaos...