Unknown Love - 13 in English Fiction Stories by Anjali Lingayat books and stories PDF | Unknown Love - Episode 13

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Unknown Love - Episode 13

Rajveer sit on chair beside Ranveer and console him. Anshika goes to meet Kashish in special ward.
Anshika walks in and see Kashish is sad and seeing Anshika gives a simple smile.
Anshika asked her about her health condition and says, " Kashish, RV told me about you have misunderstanding between you and him. Jiya is trying to come in between you two but I make sure that she will..."
Kashish interrupt her talk and says, "Anshika, Ranveer brought her in between us. I understand him and his pain but he try to show that he is in love with Jiya. I accepting my family wants Ranveer to marry me. As I love him, but I don't want to force him to marry me. I am ready for his rejection but with Jiya pretending in relationship... that's making me hurt."
Ranveer walks in ward with Rajveer, Ranveer listen their conversation, he shows as if he didn't listen.
Kashish seeing him get emotional and Anshika asked Ranveer to take care of her, she and Rajveer will bring some snacks for them to eat.
Rajveer walks out with Anshika. Ranveer gets emotional and says, " Kashish please don't break these relationship, I love you a lot but I scared that if I hurt you by mistake. Then you will leave me forever."
Kashish seeing him so much concern and says, " Really, Ranveer then for me can you make these sure that go back to Jiya. As she is really in love with you by doing fake love drama, she really fall in love with you."
Jiya seeing Ranveer get hestiate as she not understand his love for Kashish. Jiya arrives in the special ward and say by emotional feelings, "Kashish, I am in love with him but he loves you a lot, I did it purposely to make him confess love for you. I am tired to see him in pain and as he was going emotionally exhausted by self. Yes, that time I want to kiss to make the moment memorial for me his hatred for me is his love."
Kashish try to stop Jiya from going, Jiya runs towards outside as she can't see Ranveer with Kashish.
Ranveer feels guilty as he hurt Kashish and Jiya by hurting their feelings.
Rajveer asked Anshika as she is very much annoyed with Jiya but what is reason behind it. Anshika tells about Jiya's evil plan to get Ranveer and his luxury lifestyle.
Rajveer and Anshika see the hospital canteen is closed, so Rajveer order the food from a near restaurant, as Anshika gave him the phone number of the restaurant.
Rajveer says with annoyed face, " Anshika, Ranveer is very close to you means..."
Anshika says with casually, "Rajveer, actually Dad told that he is my best friend since childhood. We both have good friendship and RV shares everything as he feels I am is his family,his family never have time for him. Well, Rajveer let's go as they must be hungry."
Rajveer and Anshika was waiting at entrance of hospital for food parcel.
Rajveer admires Anshika, she received the parcel from delivery boy. Rajveer then wake up from his dream and remember Anshika already received the parcel and he has to pay the bill and he do payment by cash and take the receipt.
Ranveer walks towards Kashish and take his face near to her face. Ranveer kisses her passionately and Kashish this time not hestiate kiss him, as she was aggressive to confess her love for him.
Kashish and Ranveer confess their love finally by passionate kiss.
Rajveer and Anshika enters with parcel to the special ward, but seeing Ranveer and Kashish was talking with each other normally.
Rajveer asked if their problem is sort or not. Ranveer says with happy face, " This is sort because of Anshika as we didn't want Jiya to suffer because of her anger."
Anshika shouts on Ranveer and hits on chest and hugs him. Ranveer gives emotional hug to her and say, " Anshika, my family never have time for me but you always support and care for me as family. Thanks for let me know that, I should take stand for my love that is Kashish. Her family choose me for her as because I understand her and take good care of her in her family absence as they want Kashish should choose her own life partner as they trust her choice as she always think first about family and they know me since my childhood."
Kashish tease Anshika, " Rajveer Sir, you know once Anshika beat a goons as they cheat Ranveer and beat him badly. She beat those goons so badly that they left work of robbery and now has small breakfast hotel were only tea, coffee and snacks is sold. Jiya got saved otherwise Anshika would beat her badly."
Rajveer gives smile and Anshika says with cute face, " They beat my bestie and I don't like my bestie in hurt. I know he is egoistic, having attitude of selfishness and I hate him but then also I love my bestie. Jiya try snatched his love for him but see her evil intension and plan didn't worked."
Ranveer hits gently on her back and says in lower voice, " Anshika, I am noticing that ACP Rajveer and you are having good time. What is going, are you dating him?"
Anshika ignore his question, she asked him to open the parcel and feed Kashish as she must be hungry. Rajveer and Anshika, Ranveer have the snacks together.