Unknown Love - 15 in English Fiction Stories by Anjali Lingayat books and stories PDF | Unknown Love - Episode 15

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Unknown Love - Episode 15

Rajawat, Ayesha and Avinash reach to hospital with tension, if she gain her old memories back it will create a new problem for her.
Rajawat see Rajveer sitting on chair and asked how it happened in presences of him.
Doctor comes out from OT and tells she is out of danger, but her cut on head is little deep so she need to rest.
Ranveer asked everyone to get calm down as it's not fault of Rajveer.
Rajveer asked doctor can he meet to Anshika.
Doctor allows and everyone goes towards waiting room, Ranveer tells that Rajveer got her admitted to hospital at right time, otherwise this small wound would got danger for her life.
Rajawat was tensed for Anshika as she has started a good and normal life but suddenly this incident?
Ayesha says with emotional feeling, "Rajawat, Anshika is strong girl. She will remember the good moments of life, if in time her past memories again comes she has to deal with it. We can't change the destiny. Please let her take her own decision of her life."
Rajawat hugs her and cries. Rajawat says with emotional feeling, " We lost Vikram but can't lose Anshika as Vikram sacrificed his life for her and for sake of other people. Ayesha...I scared I lost my brother and you lost your best friend. My life got destroyed!"
Rajveer enter to room and see Anshika unconscious laying on bed, he got sad.
Rajveer remember her childish moment and fight which make him happy.
Rajveer sit on stool and admire to Anshika. He kisses on her forehead and says, "Anshika, I am sorry for getting angry on you. I was just want to stay away from you, as Rajawat Sir told me to stay away from you as my past life my affect you. Anshika my intension was not to hurt you. I promise I will not force you for fitness training session. Please forgive me!"
Rajveer hold her plam tightly and bend the head down and cry.
Anshika gain consciousness and says, "Really, I forgive you."
Rajveer seeing Anshika has wake up hugs her with tears in eyes. Anshika with serious look, "Rajveer... Rajveer please control your emotions as I am well."
Rahat comes to hospital and see Rajawat at recepition filling the form and bills.
Rahat then walks toward Rajawat asked about Anshika's health condition.
Rajawat asked to come with him and, they see Rajveer hugging Anshika, from window glass side.
Rajawat feels as he was wrong about Rajveer's intention. Rajveer was more worried for her and he thinks Rajveer should be with her.
Rahat says with hestiation in lower voice, "Rajawat, see I know situation is not good but I have a suggestion. Rajveer is good person. He will take good care of Anshika and protect her lifetime. As Rajveer's past is bad but Anshika needs a person who will love her and take care of her. I think we should think about their marriage."
Rajawat says with emotional expression, " I will never force her for marriage as her decision and choice matters more. I don't want hurry in her marriage decision."
Rahat agree with his words and nods his head.
Anshika see Ayesha, Ranveer, Avinash, Rajawat and Rahat entered to room.
Anshika says with smile on face, " Everyone it's just a small wound and I am okay. DCP Rajawat I am angry with you as I am guessing correct that you are blaming Rajveer for this incident. Actually, I was angry on Rajveer and walk out for a there with anger mood. Then some goons try to tease me with bad intension but they didn't succeed as on time Rajveer came. He saved me but one goon try to hit him, but I came between them that iron rod which hit to my head then...you see now!"
Rajawat says with emotional voice, " I understand and Rajveer really I feel you are innocent. You brought her hospital on time, as for me her safety is important so I react with you, sorry."
Ayesha tie a black thread on her hand and says, " I have brought from home it was kept in god's worship house for you Anshika, from you negativity will be stay away. I know it's a superstition but a satisfaction for me. So, I will tie it on your hand."
Anshika says with emotional expression and tears in eyes, " Mom for me your blessings is power and as your guidance will help me to face the problems. I know you act strict for me for my safety, but trust me I will never hurt you again. Please tell Dad don't get angry on Rajveer as it's all my fault as he was telling me to behave like mature and responsible girl."
Ranveer feels Anshika is behaving different as her talk and facial expressions are looking different.
Rajawat nods his head and Ayesha asked doctor can she get discharged.
Doctor tells at morning but for now they can go home as its late night. Rajveer asked Rajawat to return home with family and Ranveer is there to help him as he is taking care of Kashish.
Anshika agree on Rajveer's words and they all leave to home.
Rahat also go with them to Rajawat's house. Rajawat, Ayesha, Avinash and Rahat discussed about Anshika's past life as they feels they must be ready for new problem.
Rajawat says with emotional feeling, " I am worried for Anshika as she lost her most precious people and her love. We all saw her in pain and she blaming self for mess in her life."
Ayesha says with emotional voice, " Rajawat today or tomorrow she has to accept her past pain as its part of her life."
Avinash says with serious look but she will able to handle the truth of past life.
In hospital, Anshika was thinking something, Ranveer asked Rajveer can he bring tea for her and him.
Rajveer nods his head and leaves the room to bring tea. Ranveer tells it's in Kashish ward kept in thermos bottle.
Ranveer sit in front of Anshika then says, "Anshika, are you okay means your expressions and words you spoke is not matching."
Anshika gives an annoyed look and says, "You are correct. RV, but promise me that you not tell to DCP Rajawat."