Unknown Love - 17 in English Fiction Stories by Anjali Lingayat books and stories PDF | Unknown Love - Episode 17

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Unknown Love - Episode 17

Ranveer laughs and says,"Sorry, yaar but Anuty you don't think Rajveer have to suffer from her torture."
Anshika tease him, " RV, see Kashish is handling you is a big thing as in your engagement that time you both were enemies."
Ayesha get surprised as their engagement ceremony was happened 3 years ago, but how she remembers it.
Ranveer, Kashish and Anshika was busy in their mischievous talk. Avinash was asking Doctor about Anshika's health condition and mental condition. Doctor seeing Anshika's old reports and say, "I think she must have recovered her old memories,as her swelling in inner side of brain is getting lower.As we preformed test, we saw she recovering and swelling is getting lower. It's good sign but one stressful situation is she can't handle a pressure of stress. That will cause her exhaustion and panic attack again but it will happen,there is no guarantee that she will mentally able to handle again or not. Her mental health condition is weak due to her last wound."
Avinash feels little relieve; but a tension as how to explain to Rajawat and Ayesha.
Rajawat, Ayesha has arrived to doctor's cabin already and listen all the talk between them.
Rajawat, Ayesha was tensed and surprised about hearing from doctor.
Ayesha says with doubt, " Rajawat, she remembers the moment of Ranveer and Kashish engagement ceremony. Which happened 3 years ago. Their marriage postpone due to Ranveer's parents as we know."
Rajawat says with tensed feeling, " You know Anshika's anger. I am definitely sure that, she will definitely punished Nile for his bad deeds he does."
Anshika, Ranveer, Kashish were talking about their old memories, Rajveer comes to see Anshika.
Rajveer see Anshika in new form, Kashish walks towards Rajveer , they were in waiting room. Kashish says with mischievous smile, "She is not so bad by the way, Rajveer she... you... means I saw her with you comfortable to share her own feeling as she was never said to any one. I know she show all as if that she is strong. But, real thing is she is scared to face problems and to share her emotions for others."
Rajveer says with intense feeling, " Kashish, you and Ranveer understand each other well for me my past and present life is messed up. I have seen Anshika feels free with me to share feelings and thoughts, but I am afraid of that..., she again suffer from pain and problems."
Anshika interrupts their with a smile on face, "If we are scared of then face the problem and pain. Then we don't have a good life means... fear make realize our power to face it. Don't make your feelings or emotions your weakness make it power of yourself. I promise, Rajveer I will also support and try to understand your situation. Please, I know what Dad, Mom and Rahat Uncle thinking about, please don't pressurize to self. Think it with clam mind then take decision of life, with clam and focus mind we built a good ability to take decision of life."
Rajveer feels better after Anshika's motivation words spoken.
Ranveer claps and says to make them happy, " Rajveer Sir, I think you should stay clam and smart with idea that will help to escape from her torture. Yes, when we don't follow her demand she hit or give a big lecture on the certain topic till we don't get fully understand."
Anshika see him with annoyed look and Kashish asked Ranveer to shut his mouth and take her home.
Ranveer and Kashish walks towards out from wait room. Rajveer and Anshika was feeling an hestiation to face each other and to talk.
Rajveer and Anshika see each other and think what to say to each other.
Ranveer and Kashish return to their house, Ranveer drop Kashish to her home.
Kashish asked him to go, but Ranveer says with emotional feeling, " Kashish, my first priority is you and your health. I have arrange the breakfast for us come. I know we have breakfast with Anshika, but this is special for you."
At hospital, Anshika was waiting for her family and Rajveer offers her water bottle as she was feeling thirsty. Anshika thanks him for water bottle, she drink the water from bottle and say with hestiation, " Rajveer, I am really sorry because of me you..."
Rajveer make her sit on chair and he also sit beside her on other chair. Rajveer says with hestiation and shy feeling, " Anshika, it's fine you was angry because of me so you walk out with anger. I should think before to say as my words hurt you."
Anshika gives him a tight hug and say, " No... Means, we will start with new relationship as we will try to understand each other. I will tell you all about my past and you will tell about yourself to me. It will be a small date and it will also help us to take decision of our engagement to do or not!"
Rajveer agrees her thought and say, "Anshika, I was wrong about you that you are immature and childish, but you are a mature girl. Well, this date will be a good one. Well, day after tomorrow we have to go! I told you remember."
Anshika gives a simple smile and says, "Okay, I remember we have to go to orphanage and old-age home to distribute gifts."
Rajawat, Ayesha, Avinash and Rahat together congratulate them for their new start if relationship.
Rajawat with attitude say, " Plan is good and we have think to send you on dinner date."
Ayesha and Rahat get surprised as they not planned anything.
Avinash whisper in lower voice, " Mom and Rahat Uncle don't worry he has planned and we are getting free credit for it, so don't ignore it. Join him!"
Anshika and Rajveer behave as if they was not talking about dating and hestiate to answer to Rajawat.

Is this Rajveer and Anshika's lovestory to began?

Will their past messed up their life and lovestory?

Let's hope for them it goes normal and good, if any problem comes, they will support to each other by understanding their situation or not?