it's a trap by Divyansh Nawal

it's a trap by Divyansh Nawal in English Novels
“What?!” He screamed, he was sitting in his luxury car.He adjusted himself, he was hyperventilating, and drops of sweat...
it's a trap by Divyansh Nawal in English Novels
Simran was tied on the chair, with punctured nose. In her unconscious state, her lips were saying mercy. She knew her e...
it's a trap by Divyansh Nawal in English Novels
Bottle was broken into few big pieces and hundred of small pieces spread in her room.She carefully started to pick piece...
it's a trap by Divyansh Nawal in English Novels
Sikha locked her house's door and walked towards street’s end. Her friend should be there in 15 minutes. She was bot...
it's a trap by Divyansh Nawal in English Novels
"Do you know about the other two girls?” He said, trying to read Sikha's expression, “they were sent before you.” He...