The Chemical Tangents by Sathyanarayanan K

The Chemical Tangents by Sathyanarayanan K in English Novels
Location : Alpha-Beta-1743X Delta Lab at an Undisclosed location  Time: Somewhere around 2075 AD , sometime on Tuesday....
The Chemical Tangents by Sathyanarayanan K in English Novels
Location : Atlanta City Time: Somewhere around 2075 AD , next day morning on Wednesday Sublocation: The police station B...
The Chemical Tangents by Sathyanarayanan K in English Novels
Location : Atlanta City Time: Somewhere around 2075 AD , next day morning on Wednesday Bulky man in a blue coat tensed a...
The Chemical Tangents by Sathyanarayanan K in English Novels
Location : Police Station , Atlanta City Time: Somewhere around 2075 AD , next day morning nearing the afternoon on Wedn...
The Chemical Tangents by Sathyanarayanan K in English Novels
Location : Monty Hills , Atlanta City 2.5 Kms from the Laboratory  Time: Somewhere around 2075 AD , next day Mid morning...