Love By Accident by Amitanshu Samal

Love By Accident by Amitanshu Samal in English Novels
Hello friends! This is my first ever novel. It may have some flaws as I am not a pro writer.. But I will try my best to...
Love By Accident by Amitanshu Samal in English Novels
Arnav made her sit on the nearby cement chair. He went and bought a water bottle from the side shop. He didn't say a...
Love By Accident by Amitanshu Samal in English Novels
What? Are you sure?” Arnav asked with a shocked expression. He couldn’t believe that she said not to pay her. . He again...
Love By Accident by Amitanshu Samal in English Novels
The bus stopped at the station. At that station, Ayesha got off the bus. She waved goodbye to Arnav and told him to get...
Love By Accident by Amitanshu Samal in English Novels
It was about 4:30pm. There was a knock on the door. Arnav opened his eyes. He was dreaming. He was dreaming about the ac...